News Topic: Operations
Improving Health Outcomes through Data Analytics
Carbon Monoxide Detectors HUD Notice 2022
A Good Idea and Willing Partners Bring Digital Engagement to Affordable Housing
In our overwhelmingly digital world, older adults living in affordable housing communities are increasingly in need of technology to manage day-to-day activities: communication, shopping, medical […]
Portable Space Heater Safety
Smoke Alarm Safety
CAST Members Make News
PointClickCare Announces Partnership With Sound Physicians to Deliver Fully Integrated Virtual Health TechDecisions reported that PointClickCare, a leader in cloud-based healthcare software for the long-term […]
Telehealth Found as Effective as Usual Care
A recent literature review found that, in certain circumstances, using video teleconferencing telehealth was equally effective as “usual care.” The research looked at video teleconferencing […]
Pandemic Spurred Online Engagement
Several recent efforts jumpstarted the number of older adults who became connected—digitally and socially—during the pandemic. In particular, reduced internet cost barriers and increased online […]
Candle Safety Tips