News Topic: Policy
LeadingAge Statement for the Record Banking Hearing 3 30 2022
Providers Can Correct PRF Reporting Errors
HRSA noted this error correction option when asked about what providers who received repayment letters could do to correct issues. HRSA said to correct errors […]
Provider Relief Running Out, More Needed
Here is where things stand with the Provider Relief Fund: Phase 4 and ARP Rural Distributions: HRSA set aside $17 billion for the Phase 4 general […]
Provider Relief Running Out, More Needed
Here is where things stand with the Provider Relief Fund: Phase 4 and ARP Rural Distributions: HRSA set aside $17 billion for the Phase 4 general […]
Providers Can Correct PRF Reporting Errors
HRSA noted this error correction option when asked about what providers who received repayment letters could do to correct issues. HRSA said to correct errors […]
CMMI Webinar Series on new ACO REACH model
CMMI is hosting a series of ACO REACH webinars on the following dates on different aspects of the model and to assist providers in answering questions related […]
LeadingAge Requests More PRF 031822
New Testing Requirements for Nursing Homes Include Hospice Contractors
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new nursing home guidance on staff and resident testing that will impact hospice contractors. New guidance […]
Screening Tips March 2022