CMS plans to begin displaying the first measure—which covers the last three days of a hospice patient’s life—on Hospice Compare in summer 2019 but will […]
News Topic: Policy
Congressional Telehealth Caucus Request for Information: Comprehensive Telehealth Legislation Recommendations – 2019
New Heightened Scrutiny Guidance Answers Some Questions, Raises New Ones
On March 22, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new guidance to states on how to implement the HCBS Settings Rule with […]
Observation Stays Legislation Introduced in House and Senate
On March 12, Congressman Joe Courtney (D-CT) and Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced the Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act of 2019 in the House […]
LeadingAge NORC Poll: Older Baby Boomers’ Preferences on Aging
Contact: Lisa Sanders 202-508-9407 or 347-385-2218 Washington D.C. March 18, 2019 — How do older baby boomers want to age? Would they prefer to […]
Senate Finance Committee Not Forgotten: Protecting Americans from Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes March 6, 2019 Statement for the Record
New EPA Rule on Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal
Many types of healthcare providers are covered under the Final Rule including long-term care facilities which are defined as hospice facilities, nursing facilities, skilled nursing […]
New Report Shows SNFs If They Are at Risk of a 2% Rate Penalty
The report shows SNFs if they are meeting the 80% reporting threshold requirement on the SNF QRP measures during a calendar year. Failure to meet this […]
Nursing Homes: Tools for RoPs 3 and PDPM
RoPs 3: Webinar Date: February 27th, 2019, 2:00pm – 3:00pm EST Topic: Get Ready for Phase 3 RoPs: Elements of a successful QAPI program Speakers: […]
Medical Marijuana FAQs-Feb. 2019