Prospect of Year-Long CR Brings Worries
On December 5, the White House has transmitted a list of needed exceptions to any possible continuing resolution that keeps federally appropriated programs funded at fiscal year 2022 levels through the duration of fiscal year 2023. The list includes requests for needed funding increases for three HUD programs and one USDA Rural Housing Service program.
Since the start of FY23, federally appropriated programs, including most HUD and USDA programs, have been funded by a continuing resolution that expires on December 16, 2023. While funding most HUD programs at FY22 levels for the first several weeks of FY23 is possible without jeopardizing the programs, a subsequent CR that extends beyond early 2023 could wreak havoc among HUD’s programs, which generally require increases over the previous year’s levels to continue to serve the same number of households.
For HUD, the White House is requesting “anomaly” funding for any year-long CR (i.e., a CR that goes through the entirety of FY23) for three programs: Housing Choice Vouchers, Homeless Assistance Grants, and Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance. For the PBRA program, the White House says the anomaly above FY22 levels is necessary “to maintain project‐based rental assistance to over 1.2 million units for low‐income families, including support for contract administrators.”
No anomaly was requested for HUD’s Section 202/PRAC program. In the Section 202 program, HUD’s FY22 funding bill provided an overall amount of $1.033 billion, sufficient for FY23 PRAC and service coordinator renewals but likely not enough to provide much, if any, funding for new Section 202 homes or new service coordinators.
For USDA’s Rural Housing Service, the White House is seeking a $47 million anomaly to ensure RHS has sufficient funds to renew rental assistance. House and Senate leadership continue to negotiate overall spending levels for FY23 with the hopes of reaching agreement on funding for every one of the 12 FY23 appropriations bills before the CR expires on December 16.
Read the list of anomalies here.
Aging services stakeholders still have time to weigh in with their members of Congress using LeadingAge’s most recent action alert on year-end must-dos for this Congress.

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