LeadingAge experts compile a weekly round-up of critical tools and resources for members. Click here to read the Home Health and Hospice Weekly. Recommend
Provider Type: Hospice
Hospice: The New Yorker Letter to the Editors
“How Hospice Became a For-Profit Hustle” raises a serious cause for alarm about our country’s approach to long-term care while also providing valuable insights into […]
LeadingAge Letter to Congress on Potential End of Year Hospice Cap Cuts
LeadingAge Accomplishments 2022
Expansion of HCBS a Challenge and an Opportunity for These Members
Biden Administration, CMS Double Down on COVID-19 Vaccination and Treatment
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released memo QSO-23-03-ALL on November 22 urging providers to shore up defenses against COVID-19. Specifically, CMS reminded […]
Provider Relief Fund Updates
LeadingAge staff spoke with staff from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) on Friday and learned some new information on the status of Phase […]
LeadingAge and Other National Hospice Associations Write Letter to CMS on Increasing Hospice Oversight
Home Health and Hospice Weekly: Recap of LeadingAge Update (11/18/22)
LeadingAge experts compile a weekly round-up of critical tools and resources for members. Click here to read the Home Health and Hospice Weekly. Recommend
Updates to Requirements for Next PRF Reporting Period