Provider Type: Affordable Housing
Senior Housing Weekly Recap of LeadingAge Update(11/4/22)
LeadingAge experts compile a weekly round-up of critical tools and resources for members. Click here to read the Senior Housing Weekly. Recommend
HUD Opens CSP Round Five with Reduced Reimbursements for Senior Housing
HUD has opened the fifth round of COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSPs) for MFH providers, including project-based Section 8, Section 202, and Section 811. CSPs help housing […]
Senior Housing Weekly 10.28.22
LeadingAge Calls for Scalability and Equity in HUD’s New Green and Resilient Retrofit Program
This summer, HUD received $1 billion dollars in the Inflation Reduction Act to establish a new Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP). The program will […]
Senior Housing Weekly Recap of LeadingAge Update(10/14/22)
LeadingAge experts compile a weekly round-up of critical tools and resources for members. Click here to read the Senior Housing Weekly. Recommend
‘A Special Kind of Heart and Passion’: Florida Providers Cope With Hurricane Ian
LeadingAge Reasserts HUD Funding Priorities
In a letter to House and Senate appropriators, LeadingAge has reiterated our priorities for a final fiscal year 2023 HUD funding bill. “Timely and sufficient […]
Housing Credit Average Income Test Final Rule
On October 12, the IRS published a final rule to implement Congress’s 2018 authorization of a third income option for low income housing tax credit […]
Housing Survey Results: Operational Challenges and Services Partnerships
Results from the most recent quarterly survey of LeadingAge affordable senior housing provider members reveal a cadre of professionals facing a host of operational challenges […]