· Question: Can you tell us a bit about your role and the research focus you have at U Mass Boston with your task force? […]
Provider Type: Affordable Housing
LeadingAge Joins Amicus Brief to Protect Nonprofit Housing Ownership
LeadingAge has joined several other national organizations as well as members Preservation of Affordable Housing, Human Good, Transforming Age, and Mercy Housing, in an Amicus […]
Senator’s Report Calls Greater Federal Housing Spending a “Disaster”
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released a report, Housing for the Golden Years: Trends, Gaps, and Solutions for Older Americans, on April 1. Senator Scott is […]
LeadingAge Joins Amicus Brief to Protect Nonprofit Housing Ownership
LeadingAge has joined several other national organizations as well as members Preservation of Affordable Housing, Human Good, Transforming Age, and Mercy Housing, in an Amicus […]
LeadingAge Statement for the Record Banking Hearing 3 30 2022
Senate Hearing on Affordable, Accessible Housing for Older Adults
“In 2017, before the pandemic, five million older adult households spent more than half their incomes for housing. With less money left after housing costs […]
Senate Hearing on Affordable, Accessible Housing for Older Adults
“In 2017, before the pandemic, five million older adult households spent more than half their incomes for housing. With less money left after housing costs […]
Share of HUD-Assisted Older Adults Declines
Highlights from the new HUD report: The share of HUD households who are 65+ decreased from 35% in 1989 to 30% in 2019. The voucher […]
Living with COVID: Week 2
This Week’s Highlights: Volume Two: Air Date 3.21.22. “Living with COVID: From Pandemic to Endemic in New Jersey” Today, we’ll highlight a really great COVID […]
LeadingAge Members Promote, Educate, and Vaccinate with CDC Grants
LeadingAge members are taking part in a national effort to increase vaccine uptake, education, and access, especially among communities of color. LeadingAge is one of […]