First Question: What IS the middle market? Beth Mace: It is a group of individuals who have too many financial resources to qualify for government […]
Provider Type: Affordable Housing
Housing in Build Back Better Act: LeadingAge Hearing Statement
LeadingAge has submitted a statement for the record for an October 21 hearing, A Strong Foundation: How Housing is the Key to Building Back a […]
Bill Floats SASH-Like Program for Assisted Housing
The Senate Appropriations Committee’s fiscal year 2022 HHS appropriations bill includes support for a program to bring a housing-based care management model that increases primary […]
LeadingAge Statement for the Record HFSC 10 21 2021
NSPIRE Brief to LeadingAge 10-19-21 Final
$6M to Boost PRAC Rents for RAD Conversions
RAD for PRAC Rent Increases The Senate HUD appropriations bill for fiscal year 2022, released for the first time on October 18, would provide $6 […]
Factsheet-Support for Older Adults
CSP Stakeholder Questions and Answers final Clean Copy
Hard Choices in Search of a Living Wage for Staff
As LeadingAge members navigate through a nationwide staff recruitment and retention crisis, finding ways to boost compensation is a crucial part of finding staff to […]
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