March 05, 2025

Green and Climate Resilient Housing

March 05, 2025

January 20 Executive Order Causes Uncertainty Over GRRP Funds

Section 7 of the White House’s January 20 Executive Order, which directs all agencies to “immediately pause the disbursement of funds appropriated through the Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA)–legislation that invested $1.4 billion for the preservation of HUD multifamily housing via the GRRP–creates uncertainty about the fate of the program, and the funds connected to it. Read the details here.

December 31, 2024

HUD Requests Input on Climate Resilience and Property Insurance

In response to continued advocacy by LeadingAge and others, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public input on insurance coverage issues and opportunities. Specifically, HUD is requesting input on increasing the resilience of residential properties to natural hazards and extreme weather, which will allow the agency to develop policies that better support housing providers in addressing climate resilience and accessing affordable insurance for their properties.

The RFI follows advocacy by LeadingAge urging HUD to work together with Congress and other federal agencies, as well as with state insurance commissioners, to achieve solutions to the property insurance crisis. LeadingAge applauds HUD for acknowledging the severe increases in insurance costs and the lack of insurance availability for HUD-assisted housing communities, as well as the need to focus on long-term solutions and climate resilience. We will work with members to submit comments by the February 28 deadline. More info here.

November 21, 2024

HUD Announces Final Round of GRRP Awards

On November 20, HUD announced its final round of Green and Resilient Retrofit Program awards. This is the last of 12 rounds of $1.43 billion in GRRP awards HUD has made since 2023 to HUD multifamily housing providers, including many LeadingAge members, to fund energy efficiency and climate resiliency improvements. The funds were authorized by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. Read HUD’s press release here. See more information on green and climate resilient housing here.

November 12, 2024

LeadingAge to HUD: Streamline Solar Rooftop Approval Process

LeadingAge in a November 11 letter to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) applauded the agency for its recognition of solar energy as a critical renewable energy source for the affordable housing portfolio and shared feedback on a draft proposal to establish and centralize the approval process for certain HUD-assisted properties to engage in rooftop solar leases that provide on-site solar energy.  The letter stressed the importance of financial feasibility for affordable housing communities interested in installing rooftop solar and urged the creation of incentives for owners and benefits for residents. Finally, we urge HUD to establish a centralized approval process instead of the proposed decentralized process, which LeadingAge members worried would slow down the process and create inconsistencies. The letter is available here, and HUD’s draft Notice is available here.

October 16, 2024

LeadingAge to White House: Prioritize Older Adults in Extreme Heat Response

Following its July 2024 extreme weather briefing and mid-September White House summit, the Biden Administration last month announced an extreme heat call to action that included a draft Extreme Heat Community Checklist to help municipalities, towns, and tribal organizations prepare for and respond to extreme heat events.

LeadingAge responded to the checklist’s 30-day public comment period on October 15, 2024. In our comments, LeadingAge underscores the need to consider and consult older adults, and the providers who serve them,  as “key partners” in driving community safety and resilience, including related to extreme heat, and urges the administration to take better account of older adults’ needs and their vulnerabilities to heat. More info here.

October 03, 2024

Solar Funding for HUD Housing: Details and Deadlines

The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program, administered by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of the Treasury, promotes cost-saving solar or wind investments in low income communities as part of affordable housing developments, and for projects that benefit low income households. The standard Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit (ITC) provides HUD multifamily owners with a base credit of up to 30% of the cost of a renewable energy project. For qualifying projects, the Low-Income Communities Bonus, created through the Inflation Reduction Act, can add up to 20 percentage points to the base credit, funding up to 50% of a project. If a project qualifies for additional ITC bonuses, up to 70% of the solar facility costs can be funded. Earlier this year, HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs launched a new series of recordings to help owners of HUD-assisted multifamily housing properties and other stakeholders apply for this credit under Category 3 (Qualified Low-Income Residential Project), as most HUD-assisted and public housing are considered eligible covered housing under Category 3 in the 2024 Program Year.  The week of September 30, DOE and Treasury announced upcoming application cut-off dates for Program Year 2024. Questions related to this program can be sent to with the word ‘SOLAR’ in the subject line.

June 25, 2024

HUD Awards Millions in Green Retrofit Funds to LeadingAge Members

The Department of Housing and Urban Development on June 25 announced the latest round of funding awards for the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP), including millions in funding awards to LeadingAge housing provider members. LeadingAge is a strong supporter of HUD’s green grants and loans program, which has now awarded more than $754 million for energy efficiency and climate resilience retrofits impacting more than 16,400 rental homes across HUD’s Multifamily Housing portfolio.

The June 25 announcement represents the third set of funding awards under HUD’s “Comprehensive” GRRP cohort, which provides funding to highest need properties. Three of the 17 properties awarded in this round (and 24 of 139 properties awarded overall) participate in HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program. Congratulations to the New Haven Jewish Community Housing Corporation and National Church Residences.

The final GRRP application window closes July 31 for Elements Awards, which can provide up to $750k per property or $40k per unit for added elements like high-efficiency windows and rooftop solar panels, in a recapitalization transaction that is already underway. More information here.

June 21, 2024

HUD, Federal Agencies Update Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan

On June 21, HUD joined more than 20 federal agencies to release its updated Climate Adaptation Plan. In the plan, HUD establishes protocols to integrate climate resilience into funding opportunities, such as climate change preference points in Notices of Funding Opportunty.

Across federal agencies, the plan builds on the initial release in 2021 and projects goals for 2024-2027, including better assessing exposure of assets to climate related hazards, expanding operational focus on managing climate risk, and adopting common progress indicators with other federal agencies to better assess climate adaptation efforts.

The White House Climate Adaptation Fact Sheet is available here.

June 20, 2024

Update: Enrollment in HUD's Free Energy and Water Benchmarking Initiative

According to HUD, more than 800 properties have signed up for the agency’s free energy and water benchmarking service, which allows HUD-assisted housing property owners to better understand the energy and water consumption at their properties in relation to other similar properties.

LeadingAge supported the program roll out and urges members to sign up early for the four-year program.

Energy and Water Benchmarking information from HUD, provided during a LeadingAge housing call in is available here.

April 26, 2024

HUD Resources for Extreme Heat

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced its first actions to address extreme heat in affordable housing properties on April 23. The agency established an internal working group to improve resilience to extreme heat; HUD also published a “Quick Guide for Extreme Heat” and launched a centralized library of technical assistance resources.

According to HUD, the world recorded the warmest year on record in 2023. Across the United States, heat records were broken, including Phoenix, Arizona experiencing 31 consecutive days above 110°F, and Chicago, Illinois reaching a heat index of 120°F. Many affordable senior housing communities lack the resources they need to address extreme heat impacts on older adult residents.

October 23, 2023

LeadingAge GRRP Update Session: Presentation and Discussion

On October 23, 2023, LeadingAge hosted a virtual session on the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) for HUD-assisted housing providers. The call featured LeadingAge members who have received awards, HUD staff leading program implementation, and LeadingAge business partners who can assist with GRRP applications.

October 19, 2023

LeadingAge Members Receive HUD Green Awards

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced more than $100 million in awards for energy efficiency and climate resilience upgrades at affordable housing communities, including at properties operated by LeadingAge housing provider members. The $103.4 million allows properties to significantly renovate 1,500 affordable housing units across 16 HUD-assisted Multifamily Housing communities; the properties will undergo rehab to achieve zero energy and climate resilience. Read more here.

September 13, 2023

HUD Awards First Wave of Green Retrofit Funding

On September 13, HUD awarded approximately $18 million to affordable housing providers under the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP). The funds will support upgrades to HUD-assisted Multifamily Housing communities to advance energy efficiency and climate resilience. This is the first round of GRRP awards to be released, with additional rounds to be awarded throughout 2023 and 2024. More details here.

May 11, 2023

LeadingAge: HUD Funding For Green, Resilient Project “A Tremendous Step Forward”

News from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on funding details for its Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP), which incorporates LeadingAge recommendations, details how funds for communities serving low income older adult residents at risk from climate change, environmental hazards can be tapped. The GRRP, says LeadingAge President and CEO Katie Smith Sloan, is “a tremendous step forward.” Read about it here.