Circle Center Adult Day Services nurse earns regional recognition in newspaper contest
When Ellen Thornhill, marketing and development associate at Circle Center Adult Day Services in Richmond, VA, spotted an ad in the Richmond Times Dispatch about a contest to recognize outstanding nurses, her wheels started turning. She nominated two exceptional caregivers who had “gone above and beyond and […] made a significant impact in the lives of others,” as the contest requested. After the public voted, Hazel Snead, RN, was one of the 10 Richmond-area nurses the newspaperrecognized, and the paper published this touching story about her career.
Virginia voters made a great selection in Hazel! She began her 35-year career as a neonatal intensive care nurse. About a decade ago, she transitioned to caring for older adults, and Thornhill’s parents were her first clients. “The love she showed Mom and Dad was beyond anything we could have imagined, and her ability to anticipate their needs, not to mention the concerns of my five siblings and me, was truly amazing!” wrote Thornhill in her nomination submission.
Hazel Snead, RN, Circle Center Adult Day Services
Now Hazel finds true rewards in caring for older adults at Circle Center, many of whom are living with dementia. “When people are in pain, there are often treatments that can be administered. But there are some things medications will never replace—conversation, holding a hand, letting people know that they are loved and respected,” Hazel said in the article.
Thornhill smartly seized this opportunity from a community event to expand Circle Center’s visibility across the region. Additionally, elevating the voices of compassionate professionals is a central strategy to boost public perceptions of our field and to attract potential employees. Thornhill adopted recommended strategies from Opening Doors to Aging Services and Opening Doors to the Aging Services Workforce, two LeadingAge initiatives with ample research-informed guidance for aging services providers. Both initiatives advise providers to incorporate authentic spokespeople—especially current employees—into their communications. Demonstrating the dedication of professionals such as Hazel reinforces the quality care that your organization delivers.
All these Opening Doors strategies, message recommendations, and communications tools are available now—at no charge—to all LeadingAge members. All you need to get started is right here:
Opening Doors to Aging Services, improving public perceptions: