Benefits of Joining the Leaders of Color Network

  • Engage With a Growing Community

    As a Leaders of Color Network member, you’ll have numerous opportunities to connect and build relationships with other leaders who share your goals and challenges. Join us to exchange resources and ideas with other leaders like yourself, give and gain support as you advance in your career, and discover new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  • Develop Your Leadership Skills

    The Leaders of Color Network strives to expand the leadership bench within LeadingAge member organizations while supporting the next generation of diverse leaders. Your network membership gives you access to webinars and resources designed to build your knowledge and skills while addressing your unique needs and interests as a leader of color.

  • Expand Your Professional Network

    Broaden your professional and personal networks by connecting with leaders of color across LeadingAge member communities. You can engage in LeadingAge’s advocacy work, participate in boards and committees, and collaborate with national and state peers while building relationships that enrich your career.

  • Allies: Foster Inclusive Workplaces

    As an ally member of the Leaders of Color Network, you’ll obtain tools to help you foster a workplace culture of belonging, equity, and inclusion. Learn strategies for supporting the career advancement and well-being of leaders of color while creating a more supportive work environment for all staff.

Orientation to Lobby Day Webinar: The webinar prepares leaders of color in the field of aging services to meet with their elected representatives and their staff while visiting Capitol Hill during the LeadingAge Leadership Summit. A panel of leaders of color share their past experiences with Lobby Day and the senior vice president of policy and advocacy at LeadingAge provides an overview of Lobby Day and discusses LeadingAge’s 2024 policy priorities.

Allies in Action: Creating a Supportive Workplace Webinar: A diversity, equity, and inclusion expert discusses what an ally is, how allies can foster inclusive workplaces in the field of aging services, and what strategies can help allies cultivate inclusive spaces. You can watch the webinar or read this article.

Leaders of Color Network Advocacy Webinar Series: Three webinars, presented by seasoned advocates, offer practical guidance for getting involved in the advocacy process at the state and federal levels. They include:

Leaders of Color as Influencers in Aging Services: A panel of four influential leaders of color in aging services share their career journeys and explain what helped support their advancement in the LTSS sector.

LeadingAge Leaders of Color Network

We invite you to learn more about the network, connect with other leaders of color, and participate in state leaders of color networks.


Hello, I’m Amma!

Please contact us with any questions you have about the Leaders of Color Network.