April 21, 2021

Virtual Remote Patient Monitoring Brings Benefits to Home Care

BY LeadingAge

While remote patient monitoring (RPM) technologies can help monitor patients’ vitals, older equipment can be a challenge for home health agencies. “Why remote patient monitoring is critical to reducing rehospitalizations,” a recent article in McKnight’s Senior Living, discusses the benefits of virtual care technologies.


One advantage is that patients receive the benefits of staying at home, yet they can be closely monitored.


Other benefits, says the article, are that home health agencies do not need to make an upfront investment in new equipment that may quickly become obsolete. Agencies do not need to buy new equipment at all, and staff and patients can use RPM technologies on their smartphones, tablets, and computers.


Agencies can observe a patient’s data over time, respond quickly to any unusual findings, and give the patient attention right away. Agency clinicians and the referring physician can review the data separately or together and can communicate with the patient about any abnormal readings.

LeadingAge CAST Telehealth and RPM Selection Tool

If you are choosing RPM solutions for your organization, be sure to check out the LeadingAge CAST Telehealth and RPM Selection Tool.


This online portfolio includes a white paper, interactive guide, selection tool, selection matrix, and case studies to help you find the technology that best meets your needs.

2021 Collaborative Care HIT Virtual Summit

For more on pandemic lessons learned and new approaches to care, attend the 2021 Collaborative Care HIT Virtual Summit, June 8-10. The summit will focus on the role technology plays in managing population health in crises across the continuum of care and the whole collaborative care eco-system, including pre-acute, acute care, LTPAC, payers, and solution providers. 

During the summit on June 9 at 4 p.m., there will be a panel focusing on telehealth titled “Innovative Uses of Telehealth During Crises.” Register today!