We frequently hear that it’s hard to adequately describe the LeadingAge Leadership Academy experience. Applicants often expect it to be a very skills-focused, college-like program with assignments and right/wrong answers. In reality, the Academy program, now accepting applications for the 19th year of the program, is all about looking inward to reflect on our natural leadership capacities, learning from the community of fellows and members we visit, and growing from those uncomfortable moments that stretch our thinking and expand our perspectives. The setting is casual, generous, and focused on rich conversation. The learning extends way past the end of our day and continues over evening plans and informal fellowship outings.
Below, we’ve listed 10 of the top things we repeatedly hear from Academy alumni that surprised them about their experience in the program. It’s our way of introducing you to what it’s really like and, if it sounds interesting, we invite you to apply.
1) It’s about you. The program is less about skill development and more about tapping into your own natural talents and figuring out how best to use them. It’s very much a deep dive into the self, helping you to leverage your unique gifts to lead others.
2) Diversity in our program—in all ways—is central to the Academy experience. We are looking for people at all levels and from all backgrounds and settings. It is that rich diversity that enables participants to open their minds, expand their perspectives, and think about things differently.
3) The wisdom in the room emerges from the participants. You will learn more from conversations with others in the program, and through talking with leaders in the field and visiting members doing cool things, than you will from us. This is by design: We weave in activities like journaling, exercises, and intimate conversations such that you learn from each other’s wisdom and experiences.
4) We lean into uncomfortable conversations—that is where true growth lies. The Academy offers a safe, confidential space to explore all sorts of topics that impact your leadership. Personal and professional growth emerge when you step out of your comfort zone.
5) The Action Learning Project isn’t something that will be completed anytime soon. This project, a core piece of our curriculum, is not about the outcome; it’s about the learning you will experience from the process. Your Academy year is a “launch year” to crystallize your thinking around a topic that you are passionate about and want to pursue over the long haul. We help guide you in that crystalizing process, but we are not tracking or grading your progress.

6) You will form tight relationships that will extend way beyond the end of the program year. You will find and befriend your people. The people you reach out to in good times and bad. The people you look forward to hanging out with at conferences, and the people who will celebrate your milestones and mourn with you during sad times. Countless lifelong friendships have been formed during the Academy program.
7) The year you are in the Academy is the year that you were MEANT to be an Academy fellow. Even if it’s your third or fourth time applying, this is the right time for you! We hear this over and over again: “Thank goodness I wasn’t selected when I first applied!”
8) It’s never the same program twice. The people, the energy in the room, the site visits, the readings, the group discussions, the responses, and the reactions to the structures we utilize, all change every year. You may hear stories from colleagues who have previously been fellows in the Academy, but your experience will be different. Each Academy experience is meant to be unique.
9) Titles don’t matter to us in the Leadership Academy. We set aside the hierarchy that goes with traditional name tags and go with first names only. Knowledge, expertise, and personal experience comes through in our conversations—and everyone has an equal voice.
10) You won’t love all of our activities. That is by design. Some of us are more left-brain oriented, while others love to tap into the creative side. Some love to journal; for others it is a stretch. We utilize nature and play, and we often use images in our work. It’s those times when things don’t come naturally that you are building new learning muscles that strengthen your leadership.
If we’ve piqued your curiosity, learn more about the Academy, eligibility requirements, and explore more articles from Academy alumni. Applications for the 2025 Leadership Academy, including all supporting materials, must be submitted by July 15, 2024.
Wendy Green
Vice President, Leadership Engagement and Development, LeadingAge
As vice president of leadership engagement and development, Wendy leads a variety of leadership initiatives and learning opportunities for executive-level peer groups, including the design and implementation of the Leadership Academy. Before LeadingAge, Wendy worked at DC-based associations and think tanks to strengthen capacities of current and emerging leaders. She uses her expertise to create engaging education opportunities for leaders at every level.
BreAna Moss
Manager, Education & Leadership Programs, LeadingAge, Washington, DC
BreAna draws on her master’s in aging services degree to contribute to conference-based programming and online learning opportunities. In her role, she is primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization’s leadership programs and related initiatives, including the coordination of all programmatic aspects of LeadingAge’s flagship leadership program, the Leadership Academy.