Conversations with Katie

Bringing Aging Policy to the White House

Now more than ever, our nation needs centralized and strategic coordination across federal agencies to help us effectively address the critical challenges and opportunities facing older Americans. But make no mistake: the coordination we need can’t happen without leadership and vision from the executive branch of government. That’s why LeadingAge […]

Leading the Way to a Brighter Future

Throughout the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, I gave much thought to the kind of support LeadingAge members would need to get through a health emergency that had disproportionately impacted our residents and clients and challenged our sector like never before. Now that the crisis phase of the pandemic […]

Leading the Way to Nursing Home Quality

Is this report going to sit on the shelf? Are its important recommendations going to be ignored? We’ve all asked ourselves these questions after an important or insightful study comes to our attention. We wonder whether the report will lead to meaningful change, whether its recommendations will ever be implemented, […]

We’ve Come a Long Way

Soon after LeadingAge established the Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) in 2003, much of its work focused on helping providers of aging services step into the digital age by swapping their paper medical records for electronic health record systems that would make care more efficient and collaborative. We were […]

Providing Equal Access to Vital Connections

Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities. Reading these words from author and networking coach Michele Jennae, I am reminded of the central role that members play in the mission of LeadingAge. As an association of over […]