Conversations with Katie

How Can We Support Century-Long Lives?

Imagine you’ve been given a wonderful gift: 30 extra years of life. What would you do with those years? According to Dr. Laura Carstensen, founding director of the Center on Longevity at Stanford University, most of us don’t have a clue how to answer that question. That’s troubling, given the […]

The Bright Spots of 2021

We probably consult more lists during the month of December than at any other time of the year. There are guest lists and grocery lists for holiday gatherings, lists of ideas for holiday gift-giving, and, of course, that all-important list of New Year’s resolutions that helps us close out the […]

Thanksgiving 2021: Reverence, Awe, and Change

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter … those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. English poet and intellectual John Milton surely wasn’t thinking about our national holiday of Thanksgiving when he wrote these words in the mid-17th century. And I know […]

We’re Still in the Legislative Chess Game

If you’ve been watching the television news lately, you’re probably a bit confused about what’s happening on Capitol Hill. It’s called legislating. But it reminds me of a fast-moving chess game. In this game, the stakes are extremely high—and could impact the well-being of America’s aging population for many years […]

How Can We Help Older Adults Help Us?

Earlier this month, the Global Ageing Network offered a much-needed “breath of fresh air” to participants in its 2021 Summit—including me. Of course, the COVID-related challenges we’ve all faced head-on since March 2020 were front-and-center during most sessions of the two-day virtual gathering. But there was also an important and […]

Changing Our Field by Valuing Caregivers

What do we value? All human beings grapple with this big question at some point—or even at multiple points—during their lifetimes. Our answer to that question can alter our perspectives, our decisions, our actions, and even the course of our lives. The need to find value and to be valued […]