There are so many ways that aging services providers keep older adults connected. LeadingAge recommends developing your communications along these weekly themes as you showcase your programs and people. Uniting our voices across the sector will add power to the Older Americans Month observation. See the proposed Older Americans Month […]
Please help spread the word about the valuable services that keep older adults connected to maintain their physical, emotional, and mental health. Adapt the sample text provided here, or create your own! Check the submissions guidelines at your local news outlet, but shorter (150-200 words) letters are usually more likely […]
Please incorporate these messages (in bold) and talking points (bulleted text beneath the messages) into your Older Americans Month communications. Together we can deliver a powerful message on behalf of older adults and all we do to keep them #PoweredbyConnection! Social isolation is a serious global health concern that […]
The leadership skills of CEOs and executive directors have a significant impact on their organizations, their teams, and ultimately, the older adults they serve. Investing in professional development early in a leader’s tenure can have positive long-term outcomes for all. Back for a fourth program year, the 2024 Fellowship Program […]
Is your organization planning for strategic growth? Looking to strengthen your resources? Concerned about long-term sustainability? This live event on March 27 will help LeadingAge members evaluate whether a partnership, collaboration, or affiliation will enable their organization to realize its strategic goals more rapidly, more realistically, or more effectively. Join […]
It’s a new era for recruiting and retaining talented team members. Top-tier talent values purposeful employment and expects a unifying mission at work. Join us on Monday, March 11 from 2–3:30 p.m. ET for a virtual event that will dive into best practices, case studies, and groundbreaking data. See how […]
A LeadingAge Learning Hub live event March 4 will support LeadingAge members in complying with a new federal rule on worker classification policies. Are you properly classifying independent contractors and employees? A new Department of Labor regulation, effective March 11, 2024, creates new federal standards governing the determination of […]
Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the “next level”? Seeking a virtual program that allows you to connect with others in similar roles facing similar challenges and experiences? Want to distinguish yourself among your peers? The LeadingAge Next Level Leadership Series may be for you! The series […]