LeadingAge Garners Media Headlines in Chicago

Over four days in Chicago, as thousands of LeadingAge members converged on McCormick Place, almost 20 reporters joined the throng, attending keynotes and education sessions, asking questions of our mission-driven members to see and hear in person our sector’s issues, tensions, and community contributions. Speaking at Annual Meeting 2023’s opening […]

Nurse Leaders: Your Words Matter. Five Communications Tips for You and Your Team

LeadingAge market research found that nurses and direct care professionals are powerful messengers to a range of audiences important to aging services providers. U.S. adults rank medical and caregiving professionals among the most trusted messengers for aging services. And potential employees find professional caregivers and other employees the most trusted […]

Is Trust in Nonprofits Eroding?

As providers of aging services, you think a great deal about the financial currency—reimbursements, contributions, earned income—that helps your organizations fulfill their missions and stay afloat. We at LeadingAge think a great deal about that, too. A new report from Independent Sector urges us to expand our thinking. “Public trust […]

Well-Done Workforce Websites

LeadingAge members across the continuum are creating recruitment web pages aligned with the strategies and messages developed to enhance members’ talent searches. Take a look below and consider how you too can get a leg up by adopting the market–research-backed recommendations presented in Opening Doors to the Aging Services Workforce. […]

MVP Awards–Not Just for Athletes

As a child, Dorrett Hudson, CMA, planned to be a flight attendant when she grew up. Ultimately, she made long-term care her career because, she says, “I knew I loved looking after people.” Dorrett is a teammate at Collingswood, part of United Methodist Communities (UMC), in Collingswood, New Jersey, where […]

National Caregivers Day: Recognize Today’s Caregivers, Demand Action to End Workforce Crisis

Today, National Caregivers Day, the nation recognizes the compassionate, dedicated caregiving professionals who form the backbone of every aging services organization. LeadingAge offers its members a variety of tools to acknowledge these indispensable women and men. The National Caregivers Day Tools for LeadingAge Members page has all the ready-to-go resources. […]