Earlier this month, the Global Ageing Network offered a much-needed “breath of fresh air” to participants in its 2021 Summit—including me. Of course, the COVID-related challenges we’ve all faced head-on since March 2020 were front-and-center during most sessions of the two-day virtual gathering. But there was also an important and […]
Resident tech support and affordable housing connectivity are just two features of the Aging Services Technology Track at the LeadingAge Annual Meeting + EXPO, coming to Atlanta Oct. 24-27. Read about these and other critical sessions in the September Tech Time, along with updates to the CAST Medication Management Tool […]
This month, LeadingAge CAST shares great news that Microsoft has recently made senior living providers eligible for nonprofit pricing. We also announce our must-see lineup of Aging Services Technologies sessions for the LeadingAge Annual Meeting + EXPO, coming up Oct. 24-27 in Atlanta. Learn why you should attend! Discover […]
If our boards aren’t strong, our sector will get weaker. This corollary has always been true for nonprofit organizations in the field of long-term services and supports (LTSS). But a confluence of trends and events over the past year has made this truth even more apparent. The LTSS sector is […]
This month, check out two new CAST resources: an updated Functional Assessment and Activity Monitoring Tech Selection Tool and a new case study on electronic health records. See new research on telehealth and care transitions. Learn how the pandemic has shaped the future of senior living by highlighting the need […]
What do we value? All human beings grapple with this big question at some point—or even at multiple points—during their lifetimes. Our answer to that question can alter our perspectives, our decisions, our actions, and even the course of our lives. The need to find value and to be valued […]
In September 1940, residents of London followed a gruesome routine: after enduring nightly bombings that became known as the “Blitz,” Londoners emerged from their air-raid shelters each morning and took stock of how their neighborhoods had been transformed overnight while they had been hiding from the bombs. Many of us […]
This month, we present highlights from the Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit held online in early June, as well as updates to the CAST Health Information Exchange Tool and a new CAST case study on a data-driven approach. Watch our latest webinar on the 21st Century Cures […]
We’ve lost a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic. But the health crisis we’ve lived with for more than a year hasn’t just been about loss. It’s also been a time to discover and appreciate those who kept our society going when everything seemed to be falling apart. Grocery store workers […]
The right to vote is critical to the experience of being an American. LeadingAge has long supported efforts to remove barriers to voting for older adults, who are uniquely susceptible to common causes of disenfranchisement—from restrictions in the use of absentee ballots to limiting access to polling locations. Each election […]