June 30, 2022

CMS Releases Surveyor Guidance for RoPs Phase 3

BY LeadingAge

On June 29, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) released guidance for the Requirements of Participation (RoP) Phase 3 and specific revisions, changes, and updates to Phase 2 requirements, as well as aspects of existing guidance with an implementation date of October 24, 2022.

LeadingAge is analyzing and reviewing the guidance in detail and will be preparing resources for nursing home member providers. Our goal is to provide tips to begin the process for the main content areas to help your organization focus on areas of compliance that will need some time. We will also complete an analysis of the guidance and publish in-depth articles through our LeadingAge website, the member community, and the Nursing Home member network with easy-to-use toolkits we’ll develop and update for relevant areas of Phase 3. Additionally, we’ll provide education and live meetings to review the guidance and discuss strategies for potential implementation in member nursing homes.

Questions or ideas for helpful resources? Please contact Jodi Eyigor or Janine Finck-Boyle.