The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updated the telehealth coverage webpage to note that COVID-era waivers will remain in place through March 31, including allowing the home to be an originating site, no geographic restrictions, utilizing audio only services for some codes, and more flexibility in terms of what providers can provide telehealth services. The update notes that starting April 1, 2025, CMS policy reverts to pre-COVID rules.
This webpage does not specifically mention the hospice face-to-face recertification, but we have spoken with CMS before previous extensions and unless Congress acts, there is no wiggle room: the flexibility will end March 31.
The website update comes in advance of any Congressional action on telehealth; Congress must act before March 31 to extend these waivers.
Although Congress still has time to act, we recommend that members make a plan for reversion to pre-COVID rules related to telehealth in the event that there is no extension of the current waivers.
A link to a longer FAQ on telehealth can be found here.