Hospice RNs Receive 4.58% Hourly Rate Increase in 2023
The national average hourly rate for Hospice RNs increased 4.58% in 2023, according to the 2023-2024 Hospice Salary & Benefits Report, just released by by Hospital & Healthcare Compensation Service (HCS), down slightly from the 5.95% increase seen in 2022.
The national hourly rate for hospice RNs was $38.08. In a comparison of rates by state, RNs in Massachusetts received $45.08/hour; RNs in Connecticut received $45.15/hour; and California RNs ranked the highest in pay at $53.74/hour. On the lower spectrum, RNs in Mississippi received $32.90/hour; while RNs in Arkansas received $33.07/hour; and RNs in Tennessee received $33.93/hour. (Data reported are the national 50th percentile.)
55.54% of participants reported offering sign-on bonuses to attract new employees. RNs received an average bonus of $6,948, with 39.61% of participants reporting bonus data; 19.48% of participants provided bonus data for LPNs, with an average bonus of $4,741; HCAs received an average bonus of $2,354, with 24.03% of participants reporting.
For the first time since 2019, year-over-year turnover rates for RNs, LPNs, HCAs, and Administrative Support Staff in hospices declined, after steadily increasing and peaking in 2022. Turnover rates for RNs decreased to 25.53% in 2023, from 29.15% in 2022; LPN turnover was 29.97% in 2023, compared to 31.52% in 2022; HCAs dropped slightly from 29.84% in 2022 to 28.18% in 2023.
704 hospices participated in the study. 98.58% of respondents were Medicare certified hospice agencies. The complete 170-page Report contains 62 jobs reporting on salaries, bonuses, and hourly & per visit rates. Data are reported by state, region, CBSA, auspice, hospice type and revenue size. The results include the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th percentiles, average, number of agencies, and number of employees by position. Also included are 20 fringe benefits, shift differentials, actual/planned percent increases, turnover/vacancy rates, caseload size, and productivity.
The latest Hospice Report is available for $325.
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Visit the HCS website at www.hhcsinc.com or call (201) 405-0075.
HCS also recently releasing their Home Care Home Salary & Benefits Reports later in November.