July 27, 2021

Housing Survey: Fewer Cases, More Vaccinations

BY Linda Couch

The latest quarterly survey of LeadingAge affordable senior housing provider members sheds light on COVID cases, top management challenges, and other issues. The non-scientific survey helps LeadingAge with our advocacy and, we hope, helps providers learn more about their peers.

Known Cases Decrease

Compared to May’s survey results, known positive cases in affordable senior housing communities are down. In July, 46% of respondents said they were not aware of any positive COVID cases in their communities, compared to 34% in May and 26% in January.

Vaccination Rates Increase        

Asked about their understanding of how many residents are fully vaccinated, 58% of respondents say more they believe more than 80% of residents are fully vaccinated, compared to 46% in May’s survey.

Top Operational Challenge

Topping the list of providers’ operational challenges is “inspections and maintenance” issues, followed by concerns about vacancies, and then financial challenges and delays. In May, concerns about vacancy issues topped the list of provider concerns, followed by inspections and maintenance issues, and then financial challenges and delays. Of respondents, 11% say they are under severe financial strain, compared to 17% in May. Providers also point to challenges with staffing issues, with 51% saying staffing levels are challenging.


Since April 2021, 53% of respondents have had a management and occupancy review and 17% have had a physical inspection.

Disaster Preparation

Fully 71% of respondents have a back-up generator, 65% maintain extra disaster supplies, and 42% have a plan for transportation and evacuation support for residents.

See the July survey results here.