Medicare Beneficiaries Can Receive Telehealth for COVID-19 Concerns

As many LeadingAge and CAST members are focused on managing COVID-19, I wanted to draw your attention to federal funding that may enable you to provide telehealth services for Medicare beneficiaries regardless of originating site or geographic location. 

In these difficult times, providers need to maximize the advantages technology may offer, from allowing non-hands-on staff to telework, to remote monitoring and check-ins, to using disinfecting robots, to monitoring of hygiene practices, to telehealth in order to reduce the spread of the virus. Social connectedness and engagement technologies can keep residents and staff connected and engaged while maintaining social distancing, under quarantine, and/or in restricted visitations. Visitor tracking, RFID, and other real-time tracking technologies for assets, visitors, and staff can help communities better manage resources and trace interactions during an outbreak!

We are all in this fight against COVID-19 together, and as you know LeadingAge has recently postponed its Leadership Summit to August 10-12, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and CAST is looking to hold its CAST Commission Meeting to occur around that time. In addition, LeadingAge, CAST, and our partners at the LTPAC Health IT Collaborative are considering alternative dates and options for the Collaborative Care & HIT Innovations Summit, which was originally scheduled for June 14-16th in DC. In the meantime, we continue our planning to deliver the best educational content and experience to you in the best time/ manner; stay tuned!  

However, as a future-focused thought-leadership forum, we need to keep an eye out for you beyond the COVID-19. Hence, I would like to share with you the good news of increased sophistication in electronic medical records, updates to our Safety Technology Selection Tool, and a new CAST case study on smart voice tech.

We will discuss the ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule, a New Medication Management Resource, and a resource on implementing Wi-Fi backbones. We will also congratulate CAST members. Please read on!

New Findings: LeadingAge Ziegler 200 EMR/EHR Sophistication Survey

More large senior living providers are using increasingly sophisticated electronic medical records, according to the LeadingAge Ziegler 200 EMR/EHR Sophistication Survey. The survey asked respondents to classify the sophistication of their EHRs using CAST’s 7-Stage EHR Adoption Model. Results found that nearly 73% of responding organizations are in the highest stages of adoption, Stages 5-7, marking a 15% increase since the 2017 survey.

More organizations moved into Stage 7 than into any other stage since the last survey. Now, 24% of responding organizations are in Stage 7, meaning they have advanced interoperability and health information exchange capabilities. See our survey summary article for details.

CAST Updates Safety Technology Selection Tool

CAST has updated its Safety Technology Selection Tool with four new products, updated product information, and a new case study. The tool helps aging services organizations to plan for, select, and implement the safety technology solutions that best fit their requirements. Learn more about this year’s updates.

New CAST Case Study: Smart Voice Tech Makes Residents Independent

LeadingAge CAST has released a new case study that shows how Alexa’s natural language listening capabilities increased residents’ device use by 30%. Read a summary of key findings, and download the full case study, “Improving Resident Independence and Satisfaction through Smart Voice Technology.”

New Legislation Enables Telehealth Services

A new law to provide funding for the coronavirus national emergency includes waivers that enable telehealth services for Medicare beneficiaries needing assistance with COVID-19. The bipartisan, bicameral RUSH ACT has been introduced to permit more telehealth in skilled nursing facilities. 

Telehealth is a technology policy priority for LeadingAge and CAST. We proposed changes to the original version of the RUSH act, support the new version that was recently introduced, and applaud the steps taken by CMS to allow our members to use telehealth to better serve older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to take this opportunity to encourage our members to use telehealth to better serve older adults where possible.

Learn about the recent telehealth legislation.

ONC’s Cure Act Final Rule Released

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) has released the ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule, which implements interoperability requirements outlined in the Cures Act. The rule is designed to give patients and their healthcare providers secure access to health information, spur innovation, and address industry-wide information blocking practices. See what the rule includes.

CAST Leaders Join Older Adults in Tech Design

LeadingAge CAST Senior Director Scott Code and I recently joined older adults in usability research on automatic pill dispensers. We served on the Medication Adherence Tools Team led by Dr. Richard Caro of Tech-enhanced Life, PBC, who is working to involve older adults in technology design decisions.

That research was similar to the process used to develop the CAST Technology Selection Tools. If you are considering medication management resources for your organization, please see the CAST Medication Management Selection Tool. It can help you choose the best products to meet your needs.

Implementing a Robust Wireless Backbone

If you are planning for a Wi-Fi system, be sure to download “Implementing a Robust Wireless Backbone: A Strategy for Senior Living,” an e-book from CAST Business Associate HealthSignals.

In a three-part series, HealthSignals lays out all the ins and outs of implementing strong, sturdy, and reliable Wi-Fi for your community. Volume 1 will tell you exactly why it is imperative to have a wireless backbone that will help ensure your community thrives to its fullest potential. If you’re interested in updating your technology infrastructure, please consider consulting CAST’s comprehensive Strategic IT Planning Tools.

CAST Members Make News

This month in member news, please join me in welcoming new CAST commissioners. Let’s also applaud members in the news for expansions, new offerings, and impressive work—including an offer of no-cost services to fight COVID-19.

Contact Me

If you have any questions, information, or news to share with CAST, or if I can be of assistance in any way, especially during these challenging times, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My thoughts are always with you!