More Tech Resources to Help with COVID-19
This month, CAST helps you use technology to better manage COVID-19 with funding for communicative technologies, speeding adoption of telehealth coverage, and virtual dementia care. We ask you to share if you are using telehealth during the pandemic; please take our one-question survey.
As the pandemic continues, CAST is both providing support and continuing its foundational work. See our updated EHR Technology Selection Tool and newest findings on EHR sophistication among long-term care providers. Our two new CAST case studies help you increase social connection and streamline sales. Let’s get started.
Please Take Our One-Question COVID-19 Telehealth Survey
LeadingAge CAST would like to know about your use of telehealth during the pandemic. Please take our one-question COVID-19 Telehealth Pulse Survey so that we can design resources to support you.
CAST Updates EHR Technology Selection Tool, Finds EHR Sophistication Declines
A greater percentage of long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) organizations seem to have slightly less-sophisticated electronic health record (EHR) systems this year than last, according to new data from LeadingAge CAST.
This revelation comes as CAST updates its Electronic Health Records (EHR) Technology Selection Tool, which helps aging services providers choose the best EHR solutions to meet their organization’s needs.
The annual update to the CAST 7-Stage EHR Adoption Model found that this year, a slightly greater percentage of EHRs deployed in senior living are in the earlier stages of EHR sophistication than they were in 2019, according to the latest data. This is primarily because one of the vendors included in the matrix acquired smaller vendors with a majority of deployments in the less-sophisticated stages, and these were not included in the matrix previously. See a summary of the new findings.
New CAST Case Studies: Human Connections and Streamlined Sales
Check out two new CAST case studies for tech solutions that you can replicate. “inviacom’s Robust Internet Hardware Enable Interactive Engagement Software to Increase Social Interactions at Bridgewater Retirement Community” shows how strong tech connectivity led to strong human connections among residents and staff. It features LeadingAge CAST Supporter inviacomsm.
“Streamlining Sales and Increasing Staff Efficiency through Customer Relationship Management Technology” introduces the Yardi Senior Living Suite, by LeadingAge CAST Supporter Yardi. It reveals how this solution shortened the sales cycle and increased a retirement community’s average occupancy rate by 7%.
Nursing Homes Can Get Communicative Technology with CMP Funds
Because of COVID-19 restrictions on visitation, nursing homes may now apply to purchase adaptive communicative technologies, up to a cost of $3,000, using Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment funds. These technologies connect residents and families.
New CMS Toolkit Helps Advance Telehealth
To help speed adoption of broader telehealth coverage policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, check out the State Medicaid & CHIP Telehealth Toolkit from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The toolkit supports state policymakers’ efforts to expand the use of telehealth services in Medicaid programs.
Virtual Dementia Care Assists During COVID-19
To support older adults and family caregivers during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, explore the new virtual dementia care offering GLENNERCARE. It includes remote patient monitoring at home to prevent health crises.
Member News
Join me in congratulating CAST members in the news for new tech solutions, partnerships, and thought leadership in response to COVID-19.
Contact Me
If you have any questions, information, or news to share with CAST, or if I can be of assistance in any way, especially during these challenging times, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My thoughts are always with you!

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