A new LeadingAge CAST case study shows how automating Accounts Payable (AP) saved a life plan community substantial amounts of time.
Staff at Covenant Village in Gastonia, NC, was manually processing payments, which diverted time away from other work that could ensure the community’s financial health. Due to resource constraints, Covenant Village needed a holistic solution that was fast and easy to implement with minimal internal resources.
Corpay, in partnership with MatrixCare, brought in their Enterprise Resource Planning experts to automate the payment process. Corpay’s dedicated client implementation specialists supported Covenant Village staff throughout the process. The new system enabled Covenant Village to process its first batch of payments less than two weeks after the project kick-off call.
The new process is saving Covenant Village staff thousands of hours in perpetuity and fortifying financial safeguards. It is also allowing staff members to elevate their careers beyond manual processing.
MatrixCare and Corpay are both LeadingAge Bronze Partners with CAST Focus.
For more details on this transformative implementation, see “Streamlining Accounts Payable: The Power of Accounts Payable Automation.”