Provider Type: Continuing Care at Home
LeadingAge Accomplishments 2022
Medicare Open Enrollment: Educate Those You Serve
Nicole Fallon, LeadingAge Vice President of Health Policy and Integrated Services Policy, recently recorded a QuickCast to review what aging services providers can (and cannot) […]
Creating a Staff-Centered Workplace: Lessons Learned from Person-Directed Care
Leadership Rounding template
New Research Yields Actionable Insights to Bolster Workforce Recruitment
Workforce Crisis: America Needs Caregiving Professionals Now (two-pager)
Millions of older Americans are at risk of losing access to quality care and services they need. The shortage of caregiving professionals at all levels […]
Workforce Individual Development Plan
Individual Development Plans (IDPs) offer an opportunity for managersand staff to work together to encourage the growth and advancement ofeach staff member. These plans are […]
A New Vision for Long-Term Services and Supports
In this report, LeadingAge recommends a flexible, dignity-driven, and universal LTSS insurance program grounded in the principles of shared risk and consumer flexibility. Recommend
IMAGINE: International Migration of Aging and Geriatric Workers in Response to the Needs of Elders
This multifaceted workforce initiative features a targeted set of policy recommendations aimed at engaging foreign-born workers in our efforts to meet the growing care needs […]