Provider Type: Life Plan Community (CCRC)
1.2% Rate Increase and No PDPM Parity Adjustment in Final SNF PPS Rule
Payment Impacts CMS finalized a number of items that will impact SNF rates beginning October 1, 2021, including: SNF Prospective Payment System:, SNFs will see […]
1.2% Rate Increase and No PDPM Parity Adjustment in Final SNF PPS Rule
Payment Impacts CMS finalized a number of items that will impact SNF rates beginning October 1, 2021, including: SNF Prospective Payment System:, SNFs will see […]
Broadband Reunites Retired Doctor with Classmates After 65 Years
Dr. Jay Friedlin, a resident at United Methodist Communities at Pitman, Pitman, NJ, attended his 65th medical school reunion on June 3, 2021, without leaving […]
LeadingAge Statement on Vaccine Mandates for Healthcare Workers
Stage Management
Joint Statement on Vaccine Mandates
Opening Doors to Aging Services Research Executive Summary 7.26.21
Public Perception FNL
Public Perception