In an August 25th letter to Secretary Fudge, LeadingAge and fifteen other housing organizations urged HUD to further extend the period to submit public comment […]
Provider Type: Affordable Housing
IRA Provides Billions for Affordable Housing Energy Efficiency, Resiliency
The new Inflation Reduction Act includes significant investments to address climate change in affordable housing. The Act, signed into law on August 16 by President […]
LeadingAge Sends Letter on 21st Century Long-Term Care Caucus
On August 16, LeadingAge sent a letter to Representatives Kuster and Steil regarding potential policy solutions for the House 21st Century Long-Term Care Caucus to consider in […]
When Hospitals Needed Help, One LeadingAge Member Bolstered a Regional Health Care System
Nonprofit aging services providers exist to serve older adults, first and foremost. But they also play a valuable role–too seldom acknowledged–in the larger health care […]
CSP Eligibility for Back-Up Generators in HUD-Assisted Senior Housing
LeadingAge has updated a resource document to help housing providers prepare to take advantage of back-up generator installation reimbursement through the next round of HUD COVID-19 Supplemental […]
Aging Services Workforce Now 2022 Campaign Highlights
For six weeks, LeadingAge has continued to engage Congress and the Administration with various activity and meetings as part of the Aging Services Workforce Now […]
LeadingAge Urges Feasible Fire Safety, Drinking Water Oversight for HUD-Assisted Communities
In comments to HUD, LeadingAge urged the agency to develop a robust physical inspection oversight mechanism that can be operationally implemented by housing providers through HUD’s […]
HUD Announces Further Service Coordinator Grant Payment Delays
HUD has let LeadingAge and our membership know that the annual Service Coordinator grant payments are further delayed. The new expected date for housing providers […]
FCC Creates ‘Your Home, Your Internet’ Pilot Program for Households Receiving Federal Housing Assistance
On August 5, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created the “Your Home, Your Internet” pilot program designed to raise awareness of, and streamline enrollment in, […]
More Rides and Lower Costs with a Pragmatic Partnership
Partnerships help nonprofit aging-services providers stretch resources and add or maintain services that would otherwise be unsustainable. One affordable housing provider has forged a partnership […]