June 07, 2024

Service Coordination and Supportive Services

June 07, 2024

LeadingAge Develops Supportive Services Resource

Although the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding for direct, non-shelter services is rare, funding for certain supportive services is available for HUD Section 202 PRAC properties to support older adults with low incomes as they age in community.

A new LeadingAge resource reviews HUD’s Supportive Services Fee for Section 202 PRAC properties and explains how housing providers can request and utilize the funding to impact resident outcomes. LeadingAge members can access the resource for free here (more than $200 value).

May 07, 2024

FAQs Issued for HUD Service Coordinator NOFO

HUD posted its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for grants for Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing, applications for which are due May 23. The FAQs are replete with questions posed by LeadingAge and our housing provider members and give insight and guidance on questions that will help HUD multifamily providers submit applications for the $40 million HUD is making available for new service coordinator grants in this round of funding. For example, whether software expenses are eligible program cost (they are) and whether applicants need a community needs assessment survey for this NOFO (they do not, but they do need to submit a Supportive Services Plan).

LeadingAge advocates vigorously for new service coordinator grant funds from Congress and is pleased that HUD can make available this $40 million to fund about 160 three-year service coordination programs. These are the first such service coordinator funding grants in 10 years. The FAQs can be found at the bottom of HUD’s “Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing Discretionary FY24” page, here. Access LeadingAge resources on the service coordinator NOFO here.

April 03, 2024

HUD Postpones Service Coordinator Funding Deadline

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) again postponed the application deadline for the agency’s current Service Coordinator funding opportunity. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) materials have been updated on grants.gov to reflect the new deadline of May 23. Read the full article with more details. 

March 04, 2024

Deadline for New Service Coordinator NOFO Extended

HUD has extended the NOFO deadline for the new service coordinator grant applications to April 9, 2024. HUD is still working to complete its NOFO FAQ, which LeadingAge helped to develop.

Listen to the recording of HUD’s recent webinar.

February 06, 2024

HUD Hosts Service Coordinator Grant Funding Webinar, Addresses Office Space Minimums

HUD hosted a webinar on new funding for Service Coordinator grants on February 6. Hundreds of people attended the webinar, where HUD provided an overview of the Notice of Funding Opportunity and addressed questions sent in advance, including questions submitted by LeadingAge. During the webinar, HUD stated that the minimum office space guideline of 350 square feet—seen as infeasible by many housing providers—will be considered a recommendation rather than a requirement by HUD staff reviewing applications.

The webinar recording will be posted soon.

February 05, 2024

Correction to the Service Coordinator Funding Application Requirements

HUD has made technical corrections to its Service Coordination Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). After LeadingAge made the agency aware of discrepancies in submission requirements, HUD posted new versions of the documents that clarify narrative lengths for grant application components and correct the overall submission limit to 25 pages. The requirements for the 25-page total includes:

  1. Affirmative Marketing – 1 page
  2. Experience Promoting Racial Equity – 1 page
  3. Advancing Racial Equity – 1 page
  4. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing – 1 page
  5. Narrative describing the role of the service coordinator in implementing the supportive services plan – 1 page
  6. Office Space Requirement – 5 pages
  7. Continued Education for SC- 5 pages
  8. Supportive service plan – 10 pages

The application submission deadline is still March 14; members can register for LeadingAge’s next Service Coordinator grant funding workshop on February 8.

January 30, 2024

LeadingAge Analysis: HUD MF Service Coordinator Grant Funding Opportunity

LeadingAge has published a new members-only resource on HUD’s new service coordinator grant funding opportunity. The resource goes through each section of the Notice of Funding Opportunity and covers application scoring, program budgeting, and key application components.

January 26, 2024

Upcoming Service Coordinator Grant Funding Webinars

There are two upcoming opportunities to learn more about HUD’s new grant funding for Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing communities.

You can view all of LeadingAge’s housing gatherings, including the recording of our first Service Coordinator grant workshop on January 11. Contact LeadingAge Director of Housing Operations and Policy: Juliana Bilowich jbilowich@leadingage.org / 2025081212 for more info on accessing Service Coordination.

December 21, 2023

LeadingAge Workshop Series: New Service Coordinator Grants

Join LeadingAge for a members-only workshop series on January 11 and February 8 at 12:30 p.m. ET to discuss the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and the application process. Together, we’ll navigate the application requirements, including best practices for creating a supportive services plan.

December 14, 2023

HUD Announces Funding for 160 New Service Coordination Programs

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released new funding for Service Coordination programs in affordable senior housing on December 13. LeadingAge was instrumental in securing the funds for the much-anticipated expansion of HUD’s Service Coordination programs.

The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) posted by HUD will fund approximately 160 Service Coordination programs across the country.  The program, called the Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing program, has not seen new funding from HUD since 2013. Current Service Coordinators are funded through renewal funding through the agency, and there is high demand for new funding. The deadline to apply for new Service Coordinator funding is March 14, 2024.

October 20, 2023

HUD Expands ROSS Service Coordination to RAD Properties

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced new funding for the Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Coordinator program for Public Housing Agencies on October 19. ROSS service coordinators serve Public and Indian Housing (PIH) residents by providing case management and coordinating available resources in the community.

HUD also extended eligibility of the ROSS Service Coordination Program to multifamily housing properties that converted from public housing to Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) properties, including either Project-based Voucher (PBV) or Project-based Rental Assistance (PBRA). This key change helps properties to maintain (or restart) service coordination through RAD conversion.

Multifamily housing properties that did not convert under RAD are not eligible for ROSS Service Coordination Program funding.

September 22, 2023

Advocacy Win: HUD Approves Service Coordination Eligibility Waivers

Following strong LeadingAge advocacy, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has begun approving affordable senior housing property requests for HUD to waive outdated requirements that prohibit service coordination programs at certain properties. In 2022 and 2023, several LeadingAge Service Coordinator programs were cut from HUD property budgets in instances where the property did not meet standards related to minimum property unit count or minimum resident frailty levels. LeadingAge pushed back strongly and urged HUD to correct its interpretation of outdated policies on property eligibility requirements.

LeadingAge will continue to work with HUD on a long-term policy solution that will prevent disruptions in both budget-based and grant funded service coordination programs.

August 09, 2023

LeadingAge-Endorsed Bill Introduced to Expand Service Coordination

Following LeadingAge advocacy, lawmakers introduced the Expanding Service Coordinators Act to grow and improve Service Coordination programs in affordable housing on August 9, 2023. The legislation would increase funding for federal service coordinator grant programs and make improvements to training and retention opportunities.

LeadingAge helped craft the bill before it was reintroduced, including advocacy with the congressional offices to create new service coordination grants for affordable senior housing developed through Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), which currently does not have a clear funding mechanism to incorporate service coordinators.

February 09, 2023

HUD Publishes LeadingAge-Driven Guidance for Supportive Services Funding in Senior Housing

On February 9, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published LeadingAge-driven guidance on the supportive services fee for Section 202 PRAC properties. The additional budget allotment helps HUD-assisted properties provide independent living services to older adults aging in community.

The fee, which can total between $15-$27 per unit per month at Section 202 PRAC properties, funds services and activities that support independent aging. LeadingAge initiated the gudiance process with HUD and was instrumental in producing the resulting Housing Notice, which will help providers request and implement the additional funding.

August 25, 2022

LeadingAge Letter Requests Urgent Service Coordinator Action from HUD

In an August 25 letter to HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, LeadingAge and the American Association of Service Coordinators (AASC) requested urgent action to release Service Coordinator grant payments. After two consecutive years with nine-month delays in grant funding for the 12-month Service Coordinator program, LeadingAge’s letter urged both quick action to remedy the funding lapse and comprehensive action to reform grant administration.

“The [funding] delay is forcing property owners across the country to disrupt access to services for HUD-assisted older adults by laying off Service Coordinators, discontinuing programming, delaying building repairs to free up funding, and threatening property operations to make ends meet,” reads the letter.