LeadingAge members across the continuum are creating recruitment web pages aligned with the strategies and messages developed to enhance members’ talent searches. Take a look below and consider how you too can get a leg up by adopting the market–research-backed recommendations presented in Opening Doors to the Aging Services Workforce.
Be sure to glance at the Opening Doors strategies and messages, then read on to see members putting them into action.
Spotlight the Range of Jobs

The Ohio Living and Elim Park Careers pages effectively spotlight the range of roles they seek to fill. Seeing team members in a wide variety of activities helps potential employees immediately understand they can use their skills at your organization.

Use Messages that Resonate
Potential employees must quickly understand whether you offer the practical attributes and benefits they want (e.g., stability, flexibility, and benefits) as well as qualities that touch their hearts and lift their spirits. The River Woods Durham homepage effectively pairs the opportunity to build a career and make a difference.

Visit the St. Mary’s Careers page to see how it presents information from the candidates’ perspective. They ask Are we the right fit for you? before listing the “soft benefits” of working there.
Lutheran Senior Services and Givens Communities concisely merge several core messages to catch potential employees’ attention. Note how they emphasize building strong bonds in their text.

Include Trusted, Authentic Messengers
Members effectively implement two core strategies—including current employees (the most trusted messengers!) and communicating with authenticity—in these examples. In our research, potential employees rejected “slogany,” marketing-oriented text, in favor of direct, honest language about aging services.
- Hear Sandra’s story of how she accepted a job at Bethesda after spending a lot of time there while both her parents received “phenomenal” care.
- Lutheran Senior Services highlights its Dining Manager, among other employees.
- Front Porch employees convey their “Heartfelt Why.”
Can’t produce a video? No problem. You can effectively convey these strategies and messages without video. See how Broadmead included multiple employees from a range of jobs on its Our Employees page.

Find this market-research-backed strategic guidance, messages, and other resources at Opening Doors to the Aging Services Workforce. Looking for online learning on best communications practices for workforce and consumers? Visit the LeadingAge Learning Hub for multiple on-demand workshops.