Join Juliana Bilowich, LeadingAge’s Director of Housing Operations and Policy, on February 15 for an in-depth review of new asset limits under the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA).
During the call, we’ll review HUD’s reissued HOTMA guidance that clarifies discretionary authority housing providers have to enforce or not enforce the new asset limitations. We’ll also discuss recommended practices for mission-driven affordable housing providers to implement HOTMA in a way that protects residents and streamlines processes for providers.
Lastly, we’ll review the timeline for HOTMA implementation. Housing providers are required to update their Tenant Selection Plans by March 31, 2024, but HUD recommends waiting to implement the plan until later in the year, when additional HOTMA components are made available from HUD.
Upcoming HOTMA Policy Calls:
- LeadingAge HOTMA Asset Limits Policy Update: Thursday, February 15, 1-2pm ET (not restricted to members-only)
- LeadingAge HOTMA Q&A with Jenny DeSilva: Wednesday, February 28, 1:30-3pm ET (members-only)
Housing providers can register for the calls and access past recordings. Members can also access HOTMA tools and resources.