Get Connected!

Join the LeadingAge Housing Network and Affordable Housing Workgroups to connect with other affordable senior housing members. The Housing Network holds virtual weekly meetings and is also a listserv to receive and share information with your peers. Workgroups give members an opportunity to go into more depth on particular housing topics. LeadingAge members can visit the Member Networks page to join!

HUD Funding & Staffing Are at Risk

Take action today to urge your senators and representatives to protect and preserve affordable senior housing and ensure the employment of agency staff needed to administer crucial housing programs for low-income older adults.

Congressional Advocacy

LeadingAge has year-round opportunities to support action alerts and bring attention to issues that impact affordable senior housing and the aging services.

Affordable Housing Gatherings

LeadingAge housing policy experts provide gatherings and specialized trainings for providers of senior affordable housing.


Hi! I’m Juliana!

Need something? Reach out anytime with questions or feedback!