Addressing the needs of a rapidly growing older population could be considered one of the major challenges facing the United States over the next few […]
Provider Type: Life Plan Community (CCRC)
CMS Hosts Emergency Preparedness Listening Session
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Clinical Standards Group (CSG) hosted an emergency preparedness listening session on September 13 to gather information on […]
Senate Hearing Builds Support for Legislation to Address Health Care Workforce Crisis
The Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship and Border Safety of the Senate Judiciary Committee held a September 14 hearing entitled, “Flatlining Care: Why Immigrants Are Crucial […]
Robots and AI in Senior Living
In today’s senior living, robots and artificial intelligence are handling a variety of tasks, from the simple to the complex. The upcoming LeadingAge Annual Meeting […]
Phase 4 PRF Distributed and Reporting Period Added
On Friday, September 9, 293 additional providers received $60 million in long-awaited Phase 4 PRF distribution. This represented the 10th batch of funds sent out […]
National Workforce Development Month
Recruiting Job Candidates Over 50 With a Welcoming, Inclusive Environment
For Brio Living Services, a nonprofit aging services provider based in Grand Rapids, MI, recruiting and retaining its professional caregiver workforce is a relentless challenge, […]
Decoding Mixed Messages on Updated Booster Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) announced new COVID-19 booster recommendations on September 1, recommending bivalent vaccines for individuals 12 years and older. […]
Streamlining Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment Notice of Proposed Rule
Current Medicaid enrollment issues faced by older adults Older adults who qualify for Medicaid based on being 65 or older are excluded from many of […]
LeadingAge Sends Letter on 21st Century Long-Term Care Caucus
On August 16, LeadingAge sent a letter to Representatives Kuster and Steil regarding potential policy solutions for the House 21st Century Long-Term Care Caucus to consider in […]