Twenty-five years ago, seniors in West Virginia would be hard-pressed to find a retirement community in their state, which resulted in a mass exodus of […]
Provider Type: Life Plan Community (CCRC)
Hard Choices in Search of a Living Wage for Staff
As LeadingAge members navigate through a nationwide staff recruitment and retention crisis, finding ways to boost compensation is a crucial part of finding staff to […]
Staffing Survey: Better Pay, Vaccine Avoidance and Temporary Staffing Agencies are Top Concerns
Staffing concerns are front and center in the daily lives of aging services providers, according to a LeadingAge pulse survey conducted in the last week […]
LeadingAge Releases Booster Shot Toolkit for Long-Term Care Settings
With the Pfizer booster vaccine ready for rollout to certain parts of the population, LeadingAge has published a toolkit to help long-term care settings (including […]
LeadingAge Releases Booster Shot Toolkit for Long-Term Care Settings
With the Pfizer booster vaccine ready for rollout to certain parts of the population, LeadingAge has created a toolkit for long-term care settings (including home- and community-based […]
Putting Out a Red Carpet to Recruit New Employees
As LTSS providers struggle to recruit new employees during an unprecedented workforce shortage, they are searching for new ways to recruit and attract potential frontline […]
Pairing Jobs and Training for a New Generation of Employees
Faced with a direct care workforce crisis that has been accelerated by the trauma of the pandemic, long-term services and supports (LTSS) providers are trying […]
PRF Application Opens, First Reporting Deadline Sept 30
HRSA added many new resources regarding the Phase 4 and ARP Rural PRF application on the HRSA website. LeadingAge encourages members to attend one of the […]
Pairing Jobs and Training for a New Generation of Employees
Faced with a direct care workforce crisis that has been accelerated by the trauma of the pandemic, long-term services and supports (LTSS) providers are trying […]
CAST Telehealth Matrix