The Vision Keynote session at the 2022 LeadingAge Annual Meeting + EXPO was focused on the value of membership, the skill and heart of members, determination in the face of adversity, and simple human connections. Entertainment before and during the session came from HunterGirl, a.k.a., Hunter Wolkonowski, a country singer-songwriter who was […]
It has been another unexpectedly difficult year for LeadingAge members. You have each given your hearts and souls to the battle against COVID. In addition, our colleagues in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas have more recently been stretched to the limit by Hurricane Ian. Both crises have prompted me to […]
“The theme of this year’s meeting is momentum, an opportunity for us to harness the power of our collective energy to address critical issues that challenge our field. Issues like workforce, financial stability, governance, DEI leadership, and more.” With those words, LeadingAge President and CEO Katie Smith Sloan opened […]
In just a few days, members of LeadingAge CAST will join in Denver at the LeadingAge Annual Meeting + EXPO for superb educational sessions and networking. You can still join us! We also congratulate CAST and LeadingAge members who were honored with 2022 McKnight’s Excellence in Technology Awards. Read on! […]
What are the top three challenges facing providers in the field of aging services? I’ll never forget how one LeadingAge member answered that question several years ago. Our top three challenges, suggested the member, are “workforce, workforce, and workforce.” Recruiting, retaining, and developing a quality aging services workforce has always […]
We’re used to viewing August as a welcome opportunity to take a deep breath, relax, and recharge before the hectic days of fall are upon us. Many of us go on vacation. Others simply enjoy a slower pace of life as the news cycle slows and work deadlines ease. Unfortunately, […]
This month, I’d like to call your attention to the information-packed lineup of technology sessions at the upcoming LeadingAge Annual Meeting + EXPO and encourage you to register! I also hope you check out the updates to a CAST technology tool, learn about a pilot to increase connectivity in affordable […]
Is this report going to sit on the shelf? Are its important recommendations going to be ignored? We’ve all asked ourselves these questions after an important or insightful study comes to our attention. We wonder whether the report will lead to meaningful change, whether its recommendations will ever be implemented, […]
This month, I’d like to share takeaways from the recent 2022 Collaborative Care Tech Summit and let you know how LeadingAge is addressing workforce challenges, and what role CAST is playing. As you may remember, LeadingAge and the LTPAC Health IT Collaborative hosted the Summit, held online June 7-8, 2022, […]
Soon after LeadingAge established the Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) in 2003, much of its work focused on helping providers of aging services step into the digital age by swapping their paper medical records for electronic health record systems that would make care more efficient and collaborative. We were […]