Providing Equal Access to Vital Connections

Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities. Reading these words from author and networking coach Michele Jennae, I am reminded of the central role that members play in the mission of LeadingAge. As an association of over […]

How Can We Support Century-Long Lives?

Imagine you’ve been given a wonderful gift: 30 extra years of life. What would you do with those years? According to Dr. Laura Carstensen, founding director of the Center on Longevity at Stanford University, most of us don’t have a clue how to answer that question. That’s troubling, given the […]

How to Use Tech Support to Enrich Lives

As we enter 2022, we look toward ways that technology support and devices can raise the quality of life of the residents and clients we collectively serve. We also review tech predictions for the new year, evidence on telehealth’s effectiveness, and the ways the pandemic increased connectedness. A new robotics […]